For any comments/suggestions/questions/..., send an email to contact[AT]

Various sources (other similar websites, tournament websites/announcements/social media, ...) are used to collect entry lists, sources for updates are similar and also include @EntryLists and @OtherLists on Twitter.

Note that the seeding numbers in the lists are based on the current ranking, so the order can still change for all but next week's tournaments. When the current ranking is the one that will be used for seedings, it's called "Seeding Ranking" in the tables.

All information is unofficial and may very well contain errors. If you spot one (or have any WC announcements to share), please don't hesitate to send an email. This site is not affiliated with the PDC, ATP or any other association.

Colour codes of the (most recent) tennis lists:
Original alternate but got in after withdrawals

For alternates: Are already accepted with PR/NG/CA/JA/... but might still get in with their actual ranking.

For "withdrawals": Was initially accepted with PR/NG/CA/JA/... but got in with their actual ranking or with a WC.
(In ATP Q and Challengers): Was one of the entries but then dropped out after the withdrawal deadline, replaced by an ALT
An ALT that replaced a said late withdrawal (or that took a spot which was available because there were not enough alternates on the list to fill all vacancies before the withdrawal deadline)

In Challenger main draws, the original alternate list is still being used to determine ALTs after the withdrawal deadline, but only players who "preserved their eligibility" can still enter.
In ATP Doubles, this colour (if ALT is not written) refers to a re-pairing. When a player of an accepted team withdraws, his partner can enter again with a new partner until the withdrawal deadline as long as the combined ranking of the new team is better than the ranking of the first alternate team. Re-pairing is limited to 4 times per year per player.
Entered the main draw as Special Exempt (SE)
Entered as Wild Card (WC)
(In doubles): Were originally alternates and withdrew, so normally they would not appear in the withdrawal table. However, they got in after withdrawals and a player of the team either might still re-pair or has re-paired.
Is currently accepted in either main draw or qualifying at another tournament in the same week, so he will have to withdraw somewhere once he gets into this tournament/if he is already in this tournament.
(In Q): Is currently accepted in the main draw of the same tournament, so he was/should still be withdrawn from qualifying.
PR: Protected Ranking
LE: Late Entry Spot available in each 250 MD, goes to the highest-ranked player (using the original Entry Ranking) of those who would have been original DA if they had entered early and who entered after the Entry Deadline until the Thursday before the tournament starts
JA: Junior Accelerator, Challenger MD/Q spot for a year-end top 20 Junior player or Junior Grand Slam finalist
CA: College Accelerator, Challenger MD/Q spot for a top 20 ITA College player or NCAA Division I Tennis Championships quarterfinalist.
NG: ATP 250 spot for a Top 250 player younger than 20 in a week with 3 ATP tournaments, or CH100+ spot for a Top 350 player younger than 20.